His TV


HisTV (short for "sentiment TV") is a fictional television station created by a collective of artists who recently relocated from Turkey to Berlin. Emerging from the Apartment Project Kulturverein, HisTV seeks to explore and challenge the dynamics of mutual reflection, movement, and decision-making through the medium of video art.

Since 2016, Turkey has been shrouded in a fog of censorship and political oppression, stifling freedom of expression and distorting the media landscape. In response, HisTV was conceived as a platform to navigate this oppressive environment, offering a shared space for creative resistance and the pursuit of new forms of expression.

The project, which is in continuous evolution, features a range of content including television programs, commercials, music videos, and news segments, all inspired by and critically engaging with mass media. Through a process of ironic reinterpretation, HisTV deconstructs and distorts these familiar formats, turning them into a commentary on the pervasive silence and violence of censorship.


  • “AARC#2” Errant Sound, Berlin

  • Condition Room” Apartment Project e.V. Berlin (Berlin Art Week)

  • In The Blink of a Bird” nGbK, Berlin

  • #disPlaced - #rePlaced 1” radialsystem, Berlin

    - These are the exhibitions that Emre Birismen is participated within His Tv -